Veteran Reggae artiste, King Wadada in an interview with Punch has revealed that he never knew a woman when he met his wife. According to him, his wife was the first person he slept with and she became pregnant just a month after they started having s3x. His wife also spoke about their marriage which is now 23years and how they met. Enjoy the interview.
How did you meet your wife?
Austin: We met at the outset of my music career at a studio in Lagos. I was there to record my first album, titled ‘Holy Holy’ and she was the lead back-up singer, for the late Sonny Okosuns. The first time we related closely was when I invited her to contribute to the background vocals for my debut album.
How did the relationship develop?
Austin: I was a struggling musician who also worked part-time at the domestic airport in Lagos and I was a cobbler at the same time; I was the first cobbler to operate under the bridge at Ikeja, Lagos. I funded my music career from the proceeds of my craft. I wanted to continue with the trade but thankfully, there were still record labels like Sony and EMI who were willing to promote budding artistes.
Was your wife in the know?
Austin: No, she never really knew that I repaired shoes because whenever I made some money from my occupation as a cobbler, I would rush to the studio where we met regularly to record. We rarely met outside of the studio.
Why did you not rethink the relationship when you discovered he was a cobbler?
Evelyn: I call it destiny. I am not carried away with wealth and I believe in struggling with my partner until we hit it big. I have never been attracted to rich men all my life.
Austin: She was comfortable with the fact that I was a cobbler because she had already experienced my music talent. We met in 1993 and we got married almost a month after we met.
Why did you get married soon after you met?
Austin: I impregnated her. I was not obliged to marry her because she was pregnant but we had both decided to spend the rest of our lives together.
What attracted you to your spouse?
Austin: She was also very talented and exposed; she had travelled round the world performing as a back-up artiste for established musicians. She is still my back-up singer but she no longer accompanies me to shows because she has to take care of the home and the children. However, whenever we have to perform at very big concerts, she performs with me.
Evelyn: He has always been a hustler and is still one. He is also a hard-working man who is devoted to his craft.
How does it feel working with your spouse?
Evelyn: We keep it professional whenever we are at work and when we are home, we can be a lovey-dovey couple.
At what point did you realise that you were meant for each other?
Austin: I was a Rastafarian and a vegetarian when we met. As such, I had not eaten any meal prepared by a woman and I hadn’t had sexual relations with any woman for four years preceding the time we met. She was the first woman I had ever been with and when I met her, I broke my vow to remain celibate. When she told me she was pregnant, I was worried that I had given in to temptation but I considered it to be the will of God. We decided she would have the baby and he was named Wisdom.
Evelyn: He lived with his friend and didn’t have any woman in his life. They were both Rastafarians and vegetarians. I wasn’t sacred or worried about that aspect of his life because I believed he had a reason for being the way he was. I was comfortable with it. That was what mattered to me.
Did you have the support of your family?
Evelyn: I come from a family that loves music, so our marriage was a welcome development.
Austin: My family was supportive of our relationship and marriage.
If you could change anything about your spouse, what would it be?
Evelyn: I don’t think I would love to change anything about him because I love him the way he is.
Austin: My wife is perfect just the way she is and that is a major reason why I cant marry another woman. We have been blessed with three children and they are doing well.

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