Why you should avoid residing in the hostel – Now that a new session is on the verge of starting, I think this article will be helpful for those who are still cogitating between residing in the hostel or booking an off campus apartment. Although, reasons like low cost of hostel space, adequate water and electricity dominate why one should opt for a space in the school’s dormitory, but results from perusals have also depicted reason why people should eschew hostel residence. And here are they.
1. High Depredatory Tendencies In the hostel your properties may be more vulnerable to kleptomaniacs, bibliokleptomaniacs and others who steal as a result of “rational” reasons. Two phones and other valuable properties were alleged stolen in my hostel room last session, which ultimately lead us to a security office of the school for further interrogations. I’m grateful that the issue was resolved, which saved our names from the blacklist of the school.
2. Congestion Congestion has been a major deterrents to students. You find people amounting to a number of eight and above, squeezing themselves in one small room with their luggage, which could result to low ventilation, tight spaces for movements and so on.
3. Unpalatable Culinary Activities. Although, some school managements are proactive and painstaking enough to provide designated rooms for cooking activities, but you still find some students in the hostel cooking in their rooms, which leads to unpalatable artificial circulation of heat within the room which also contributes to unwholesome living conditions in the hostel.
4. Bedbugs Even a layman that isn’t conversant with a school environment will agree that hostels are prone to bedbugs invasions. Bedbugs are small nocturnal insects of the family Cimicidae that feeds on the human bloods and other warm-blooded hosts. My experience in the hostel last session has shown that they can only be reduced in number, but with time, they will multiply and reemerge either by reproduction or by migration from other hostel rooms or amongst other bed spaces from within. So avoiding hostel, is another way of avoiding them.
5. High Tendency Of Residing With Moochers. In the hostel, you find people who have the tendency to repeatedly ask you for help in finance, consumer goods and so on, even when they have, they still prefer your own. It is good to be generous, but I don’t support when people tend to abuse such generosity.
6. Guest Entertainment You can comfortably entertain your guest outside the hostel in your room. Unlike the hostel where it seems like virtually everyone is a guest, thus you find it mundane to perfectly entertain the real guests. Even the environment alone might be a deterrent to entertaining of guests.
7. Movement Of Luggage At The End Of Semester/Session We are all aware that students are ordered to vacate the hostel premises with their luggage and failure to do so within a stipulated date may lead to eviction or other forceful actions. The point is, it is easier to convey luggage back home because you may not need to move many luggage if you reside outside campus, you can leave the some behind because of worrying less about thieves coming to plunder on them while you are away. You lock them in your room, unlike in the hostel where you no longer have access to the room by the time the session ends, thus, it becomes exigent to convey many luggage back home.
8. Privacy Issues like noise, meddling, taunting, daunting and so on are mitigated when living outside campus than within the hostel. It is believed that everyone desires some amount to privacy, so it will be better to shun hostel when have such desire. These are many amongst other cogent reasons why residing in the hostel should not be prioritized.
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